Banknote Mate
Banknote Collecting Software for Windows PC

Banknote Mate
The Banknote Collecting Software for Windows PC

Catalog your banknotes automatically.
Automatically import banknote information with images using Colnect's online database with more than 165.000 banknotes from 314 countries.
Browse, sort and search your banknote collection.
Simply browse your banknote collection. Sort lists any way you want. Find banknotes quickly and easily. Keep track of your collection and wishlist.
Synchronize your data between multiple devices.
Synchronizing data with cloud allows you to transfer data between desktop and mobile devices.
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Features & screenshots
Adding banknotes automatically
Search by country or issued year and get a list of properties for each banknote (image, name, country, series, year of issue, etc.). Automatically import banknote information with images using Colnect's online database with more than 165.000 banknotes from 314 countries.
Import from Colnect Account
If you already have account on Colnect you can simply import all the information.

Browse your banknote collection
Simply browse your banknote collection. Sort lists any way you want. Find banknotes quickly and easily.
Advanced Sort
Sort your lists any way you want.
Simply filter data by Status, Country, Series, Issued Year, Keywords, Group, etc.
Add banknotes manually
If you have banknotes that autosearch cannot find, you can scan them and add them manually.
Add personal banknote information
Store a lot of »personal« information, such as Album, Location, Quantity, Price, Est. Values, etc.
Add status to a banknote
Tag your banknotes with Have, Wish, Trade and Sell status with simple click on status button or customize your own status list.
Managing Quantities
Simply manage your banknote inventory. You can store multiple quantities and values by condition.
Purchases and Sales / Swapping
Store all your purchases and sales for each banknote. You can also store your swapping information.
Clone existing banknotes
If you want to duplicate banknote entries, you can simply clone them.
Multi edit banknotes
Banknote Mate has two powerful tools for multi edit. If you have a large collection you are going to love them.
Choose among over 50 different reports. Reports for insurance are also included.
Online search
Search online auctions (eBay and Delcampe).
Linked series
Quick overview of banknotes which are in the same Series.
Importing data
Import your existing collection list to Banknote Mate.
Exporting data
Export to various formats (TXT, HTML, Excel, XML, etc.).
View collection statistics in the form of bars, columns, lines or pie charts.
Synchronize your data using Dropbox cloud
Synchronizing data with cloud allows you to transfer data between multiple devices by using online cloud so no cable connection is needed.